Heart touching God knows how much I love you quotes and messages

God knows how much I love you quotes and messages
God knows... {Photo credited to unsplash}

Only God knows how much I love you; only God knows how my heart searches for you.

These quotes below can be very helpful to anyone searching for God's love Quotes or God knows how much I love you quotes.

Here are happy God knows how much I love you quotes and messages, collected from different famous books and famous people.

Elucidated below are the best love Quote only God knows how much I love you quotes or messages and heart-touching God's love quotes.

He knows how much my pain is, he knows how much love I love you and he will agree with me that I cared.

An angry love is known to God, with time it will give its birth. – unknown

God's love is built enough strong to carry today's duties and tomorrow's anxiety pulled on top of them.

God knows how much I love you today and tomorrow, and he will bless us when the time comes.

Do not love because of appearance or worry because of trouble; let us love because of God and worry not because of his power.

God's love is always with us, even when we go against him.

God's blessings are the reward for our love, and it is measured by our hearts.
God knows how much I love you quotes in a cute background
Love quote (image credited to unsplash)

When God is angry, he sends his love to those who deserve it.

We have a lot of reasons to love, and a none a reason to hate; for God's love is unlimited and his hate is limited. So let us learn from him.

It is possible to forget who you love, but it is unusual to forget the pains.
God knows how much I love you quotes and messages in a beautiful background
God knows how much I love you quote (image credited to unsplash)

We hold these truths to be loved, but we forget the master of trust ~  to love God.

I must love you, though sometimes you don't nice. I won't relent because I know that God knows.

God's love is a branch of peace and our love is the leaves.

First find the love in yourself, if you will love others.

The question is this: does God knows how much I love you? 
It should be up to a century so I believe that God is not blind. Our love started long ago and will live forever.

God's love will be inherited by Every man who has love in his soul.

“When we know what is, we should be God ourselves.” – GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

“the best way to love God is to love things” – VINCENT VAN GOGH

Two men please God – who serve him with all his heart because knows him; those who seek him with all his heart because he knows him not. – NIKITA IVANOVICH PANIN

Men talk about finding God, but no wonder it is difficult. He is hidden in that darkest hiding place ~ your heart. yourself is a part of him. CHRISTOPHER MORLEY

Only God knows how much I love you quotes

It is one of my great dreams to love you beyond my strength...
Though I have not the power to do so God knows.

Loving you is my lawful, kissing you us my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.

Good love lies in front of God's hand, if you want it you must give up the bad side.

Worst pains will soon become less, he that is good will inevitably become better, he that is a slave will soon become a king; for God's love is the only thing that stands still.

God reads how heart often; he knows my pains and my strength. Even if you encourage me to stop loving you, I will be happy because I know someone is watching.

And now I have no strength, the misfortune side of it is that my happiness has been taken away by lovelorn. I won't give up on loving you because I know that God knows.

Hate and love grow out of one stem. 

Some things are better than loving God – loving his commandment, and some are like that – loving our neighbors.

Each love requires God, for God is love so to keep loving you must accept him to your heart.

Loving you is my only dream; other dreams should wait behind me.
Only God knows how much I love you quotes
Image credited to unsplash

Do not attempt to forget my love, do not attempt to smuggle me out; for I love you just as God loves me.

On this Earth, nothing can hamper me from loving you. Neither now nor in the future.

My pursuit is not to love you alone but to sink heart therein.

There is only one thing that can make you smile, and that is to remember that God knows your pains and your heart.

Well, you see, I was thinking that if both of us could hold each other forever, there may no militate against the content; just then I remembered that the degree of our love is in God's hands. So Trouble less! 

I love you is not a scam; even God knows that my love is legit.

Now it is time for me to go deep in love; it behooves me to love you and should be an immediate prospect of affaire.

Every time I become high up to think that it is time to stop loving, therein I remember the days we spent together in God's hands.

The probability that our love may sink one day is Zero. For our love is built by God's hands.

It is easier to love humanity than to love one's neighbor.

Neither you nor I know how much I love you, but my greatest content is that God knows. I love you infinity!

My love for you is so high that even no human can explain it. Only God can define.

In the beginning, God knows that no one can complete me except you, but both now and every day my heart presses for you.

I have loved you to an extent that I can't write home about, even my ribs know that we are meant to be together.

You have no idea how my heart press for love from you; but I hope God does.
God knows how much I love you quotes, messages, and sayings, in images
Love Quote (image credited to unsplash)

You won't believe how I feel whenever I get the opportunity to love you, kiss you, and stay with you.

The more I think about you the more my heart presses for your love; this shows that God has destined us to be together.

The prospect that our love will sink tomorrow is so low, for God made you from my ribs; so you are the best one to complete me.

Only God can know how much I love you quotes in English
Love quote (image credited to unsplash photos)

In general

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