Love me great hate me better both are in my favor Quotes

Love me great hate me better both are in my favor quotes
Love me great hate me better both are in my favor quotes

Love me great hate me even better quotes was written to encourage you to focus on your dreams, even when people didn't love you.

It can also be a self-love Quote; because it focuses on oneself love.
Therefore, these quotes are recommended to those who want to appreciate their beauty/focus on themself.

Sometimes, this is all we need – to avoid thinking about who loves us and who didn't.

Love me great hate me even better quotes

Love me great, hate me better; both are in my favor.

When you love me, it makes me blissful but when you hate me it gives me perfect content. So I grew even if your love is there or not.

To hate me and to love me both are a great joy, and enthusiasm to me.

I feel very thirsty for love, but I feel a great thirst to be loathed.

I am disappointed if you love me; for I am fine if you revert.

I'm sorry, I don't think loving me is great; and I don't think hating me is worst.
Love me great hate me even better quotes for relationship
Love Quote {image credited to unsplash photos}

Because you love me doesn't make me perfectly content, and because you hate me doesn't snuggle any feeling to me.

I am contented if you love me and I am fine if you don't – love me or hate me both are in my favor quotes
Love Quote (image credited to unsplash)

The best way to make me feel better is to love me, but the alternative way is to hate me.

A legend is someone who feels safe in the time of love and feels content in the time he was loathed.

One of the ways to become happy is to have a bunch of enemies; you will realize that your pain is from your friends.

There is always a surplus joy when people hate me, and I am certainly fine if they don't.

I lack nothing if you love me; surprise, surprise, I lack nothing if you hate me too.
Love me great hate me even better cute quotes
Love Quote in image (image credited to unsplash)

A lot of things matter, so I have no time to watch people who hate me for what doesn't matter. They add nothing in me and they remove nothing therein.

Whatever the human love may be, neither love nor hate; I grow relentlessly every day.

For half my life I have been perfectly contented, and I hope that love or hate is in my favor.

I pity the man who expects my lovelorn; without knowing that both love and hate are in my favor.

It is no difference between love and hate; both are the same. – Date Quotes.

It is pretty hard to tell what brings my content; love and hate have both failed.

Two things are in my favor – living me for whom I am, and hating me for whom I am.

I have a lot of things to pursue; I may not know who loves me and who didn't. For nothing can change me.

There is no joy like to be loved; and there is no such peace as to be hated – Date Quotes

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned.

“it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not”. – ANDRE GIDE

Love me or hate me both are in my favor quotes

I like the content of being hated better than the joy of being loved.

The best way to live a happy life is never to beg for love but to be satisfied if you're hated.

When you are pressed to live a happy life, seek to be hated than to be loved.

Freedom is when you're hated by many; not when you're loved by many 

Responsibility comes from being hated, not from being loved.

To depend on yourself; allow people to hate you.

My interest is in the future; because I am going to become better for myself not from people's love or hatred.

Love does what it must, and hate does what it can.

In love or hate never sell your peace, because both days with elapse.

It takes an act of courage to be content in love, but it is usual to be contented in the days of being loathed.

I have two days that made me strong; the day I fall in love and the day I fall to be loathed.

When you hate my guts, it makes me blissful, but when you hate me I remain perfect.

Sometimes all I need is to be hated; just to avoid missing anyone.

I can't stand being loved, and I can't stand being hated; all I can stand is myself.

I can't quite my life for your loathe, there are thousands of things to live for.

My highest wisdom is knowing funny that neither your love it hate can do nothing to me.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how far you love me, hating me can make me happy than usual.

No matter how hard you try to hate me, someone else is seeking to love me. So try harder. 😘

Life is too small, so let's make the most of it. God didn't give us anything to hate, but he gave us life to love.

A winner didn't become a winner from enjoying and spending together with loved ones, but rather by sharing and communicating with both the haters and lovers.

The ugly truth is that you won't change me if you love me, and I won't change if you hate me.

Some haters are behind you for a reason, so there is no need to trouble your soul.

In general

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